Westfield New Market

309 Broadway roof water feature;
Specialist subcontractor for the supply and installation of 12qty 6m x 3m acrylic windows located as a skylight on the building’s roof, the acrylic windows support a water feature for the new shopping centre.

Waterproofing and a filtration system is all within the scope of works.

Sydney Seaplanes Base Station

The recent opening of the Sydney Seaplanes Base station at Rose Bay Sydney is a milestone within the Australian aviation industry for new aviation facilities.

Sydney Seaplanes base station is located in Rose Bay, where the first international flights departed from Australia to New Zealand and from Australia to London.

The project is 100% located over the Sydney Harbour, which included stringent parameters for;

  • An extremely corrosive environment
  • Environmental management, Sydney Harbour and Auckland harbour are unique highly sensitive harbours.
  • High profile government project.
  • The NSW Roads and Maritime Services (RMS) funded and own the project with our client being the end user Sydney Aviation Holdings Pty Ltd.

EDWARDS INTERNATIONAL were appointed as the Project Directors for the entire project which included;

  • Design management
  • Selection and appointment of the principal architects and suitable consultants.
  • Selection of suitably experienced construction companies to tender the works.
  • Tendering, Negotiation and Award of the contract to the successful tenderer.
  • Construction management.
  • Client management and guidance throughout the project.
  • Financial management and forecasting.
  • Project Administration
  • The successful conclusion of the project.

Shanghai & Cube Oceanarium

Shanghai Ocean Aquarium located in Shanghai China

Engaged by and working with the Advanced Aquarium Technologies team of international specialist engineers, and design team www.advanced-aquariums.com. We achieved outstanding results for the client/s.

Cube Oceanarium located in Chengdu China

Edwards International were engaged directly by the client and also directly by Advanced Aquarium Technologies.

Aquarium Specialist Works (ASW) contract negotiations and award for the design, supply, installation and commissioning of the ASW;

  • Coordination and quality control of general construction works suitable for the ASW to be installed / commissioned.
  • Acrylic Window, 40m long x 8.2m high x .65m in thickness (the largest acrylic window in the world at the time).
  • Acrylic window thermoformed off of site and transported to Chengdu for installation.
  • Life Support System for 8 million litres main aquarium and associated smaller aquariums.
  • Fibreglass Waterproofing membrane system.
  • Aquariums and Lift Support Systems prefabrication off of site (to minimise testing and commissioning on site).
  • Rockwork and Scenery theming.
  • Speciality Lighting.

DenBla Aquarium

National Aquarium Denmark, Den Blå Planet is a public aquarium in Denmark.
The original aquarium was located in Charlottenlund, but this facility closed in 2012 and most of the animal collection was relocated to the new and much larger aquarium Den Blå Planet in Kastrup, a suburb of Copenhagen.

The National Aquarium Denmark, Den Blå Planet opened to the public in March 2013 and is the largest aquarium in Northern Europe.